This is my daughters first ever blog that she wrote during our trip to Saudi Arabia earlier this year. Im going to publish that as it is to save a memory of our family that we would cherish in the future.
Trip to Saudi Arabia - The Land of Pure
Writer : Iman Akbar
Age: 10 years
Trip to Saudi Arabia - The Land of Pure
Writer : Iman Akbar
Age: 10 years
Day 1:
I woke up
at 3:47 while
everybody else woke
up at 4 o'clock. All of us changed
our clothes, put on our sandals
and went to the
car. Thankfully all of us had
packed our bags last night so that we could leave right away we only had to do
the last minute pack ups. We are just
leaving now and
heading straight to
Riyadh (Saudi) via Abu
Dhabi. My father
is taking wonderful
pictures of everything.
On the way
it was kind
of boring, but
then it got
exciting. I am
going to take
a nap now
so I will
continue this later.
When I woke
up a while
later my dad
stopped at a
gas station. There
are so many
beautiful trees outside
of the car.
Now, me and my
brothers are watching
Get Smart. My
big brother Sajeel
paused the movie. Now
we are so
bored that we
have exactly nothing
to do. Some
of us are
so bored, and impatient
that we fell
asleep except the
driver which is
my mom. I
will go to
sleep again so
I will continue
this later. Once
I woke my
dad said we
completed half of
the way. Now
we are crossing
the border and
entering the Holy
land! It will
take 6 more hours
till we reach.
are now in
Saudi Arabia. I
am wearing a
hijab now which
makes me so
hot. We stopped
at a mosque
to say Salah.
Now we are
heading to a
place to have
lunch. Then to
Riyadh. It will
take us 4
hours to reach
there. Before we
started we had
lunch. We ate
chicken and it
was delicious. I
forgot to mention
my dad is
driving at the
moment. Now we
have started and
we won 't stop
for 3 hours.
I will now take a
long nap. Once
I woke up
we had already entered
the city of
Riyadh at 6: 30.
Tomorrow we will
continue our trip
to Madinah. We
will spend the
night at our
uncle Khalid Zia's
house. We have
reached the house
and are going
to stay there for
the night. My
family are unpacking
their luggage and
getting settled. After
we got settled
we went swimming
in the pool, it was very exciting. My big brother
and my dad went to the sauna and got all a sweaty. Later,
all of us ordered some
food and we
were waiting for
it. When the food arrived we
took it to
a room and had it
there. After we
finished we took
a bath and then went
to sleep.
Day 2:
We got up
in the morning
and got ready
for breakfast. Then we
started packing
up our luggage
and now we
will go in
the main house to
have breakfast. I had
cornflakes for breakfast. Now we
are putting our
things in the
car and getting
ready to leave. Now
we have left
and we are
heading straight to
Meequat. Which means from
where we take
a bath, put on our ihram
and niyyah for Umrah.
We are
now back on
the road. We left
our previous destination
at 7:15 and
millage is 1140. I
will take rest
now. After I woke
we stopped at
a gas station
to get gas, a
Saudi sim card, and
some sweets. After we
left I saw
a car accident. Now
my mom is
saying Surahs and
we have to
say it after
her. We saw so
many types of
camels on the
way that I
became excited. I had
a stomach ache
so I fell
asleep so I
would forget about
it. When I woke
up my dad
said we are
in Makkah province. We
stopped at a
bathroom on the
way. Earlier we
saw some cars
which had accidents
and had been thrown
on a mountain.
We had lunch
at a restaurant
and now we
are back in the this
car and back
on the road. I
am having illusions
of seeing water
all over the
road. Now all of us are
heading straight to Meqat.
It will
take 3 or
4 hours to
get there. My mom
is wearing her
abayah now. There are
so many trucks
for miles and
miles. We found a
mosque to pray
at. We are at
the gas station
getting oil. Now
we have we
have reached Taif (Meqat). When we
reached we had to take
a bath and
do wudo. Then we
had to do
Salah. We are back
in the car
and heading to Medina
(Kiblah). There are lots
of beautiful mountains
covered with sand
here. Now we are
finally in Makkah
city. We reached our
hotel were we
will stay. Our
hotels name is Safwah Royal
Orchids. We put
our things and
went to my
cousin Abdullah’s hotel.
They came here
for Umrah also. Then
we all went
together. The smaller children
went on wheelchairs. When we
reached we took
our shoes off
and put in our bags. After
we entered and
took off our
shoes we separated
into two groups. The
elders went in
the other group
and the smaller
children went in
wheelchairs with my
father and my
uncle were in
the second group. Then
right before us
stood the mighty
Allah’s house. Before we
started doing all
the steps we
first had to
say some special
duas. Then we had
to go around
the Kabbah seven
times. After you
have done that
you have to
go seven times
from mount Saffah
to mount Marwa . Finally you
have to cut
your hair. For boys
you have to
trim a little
of your hair
or shave all
your hair. For girls
you have to
cut off a
little bit of
your hair by
your brother or
father or husband. After you
have done that
your Umrah is
complete. When we reached
back we changed
our clothes and
quickly went to
bed. If you wanted
to know my
cousin Abdullah and
his older brother
Haris and my older brother
Sajeel all shaved
their hair. My little
brother Hassan was
too shy to
shave all of
his hair.
Day 3:
woke up at
7:30 in the
morning. Once again
we had to
take a bath.
Then change our
clothes and go down
for breakfast in
the hotel. After we
finished breakfast we
went to Abdullah’s
hotel again. We are
going on a
wheelchair again in case we
get lost because
we are going again to
Allah’s house. Once we
reached their hotel they
we’re not there
so we had
to wait. Now they
have come. So now we will
go to our
hotel. My mom and
dad left us
there because it
was too hot. We
are watching Rio
the movie. We called
the house keeper
so now he
has arrived. Now the
movie has finished. My
big brother put
on another movie
which is tangled. We
are so bored
that we have
nothing to do. Tangled
is now finished. My
parents have now
come back so now
are going another
time to Abdullah’s
place again. Once we
reached we knocked
and they opened
the door and
we went in. The
boys went to the Salah
and so did we
girls). Once we (the girls)
reached the hotel
the boys were there asleep. I
went to my
dad, but instead I
fell asleep
too. When I
woke up we
played a lot of games. Then
we went to
back to my
hotel had dinner
from Al Baik.
When we got
back we changed
our clothes and we went
Day 4:
have just woken
up. So now
we are getting
ready for breakfast. I
am going to
brush now. We
have now gone
downstairs for breakfast. The food
was great. So now
we are going
to get a cab.
Then we
will go to
historical places. Before we
went to the
taxi we went back to
our room. Then
we all went
to the taxi.
We went to
many places. We saw where
Prophet Hazard Mohammad
was born. I saw
lots of camels. We
also went for
a camel ride. It
was scary! Then we
went back to
the hotel. Now we are going
to Abdullah’s building
again because he
is leaving to
Berain then to
U.S. Which means
we are leaving
the hotel again.
After saying goodbye
we went to
the masjid of
Nimraa. All of us
went there roaming
around. Then we started
to get hungry. As
a result we
ate: pizza, pasta, pie, hamburgers, and
french-fries. We have gone
so many times
to Allah’s house.
It is an
amazing experience! I took
a nap after
this wonderful experience. After I
woke up my
big brother Sajeel
put on
Despicable me and
The little mermaid.
Then we went
to do Tawaf
which means to
do seven circles
around Allah’s house. Me
and my little
Hassan did it
for the first
time. After we did
that it was
night so we went
back to the
hotel and put some cream
on our feet.
My little brother
Hassan’s feet and
my feet were
paining so much.
So we went
to sleep with
aching feet. After
we went to
sleep our parents
went to sleep
also. So that
was the end
of this day.
We all woke
up as usual and took a bath.So
now we are hurrying again to get
breakfast. You see we are all leaving
today to Taif and we will
continue to Jaddah.Well then time for
breakfast. Now we have finished breakfast.
We will go for Salah now. Our
journey began at 11 o’clock and we got
back at 1:35. Now
we are back
and resting before
we go. Afterwards we will
pack and leave. Then
we got in
the car and
hit the road
again. Before we can
go in the
car we have
to go by
taxi there. Now we
are in the
car. We just
got on to the mountains. There are
red bottomed baboons, they
have babies! Now rest
time. We are watching
Avatar and the
sunset in the car.
Now we
are in Jaddah. We
will stay at
my mom’s dad’s
elder sister’s place. My
little brother Hassan
has fallen asleep. We
will go to
see the red
sea. Now we are
bringing our things to
our room. It is
an old place
but it will
do. By the way
my mom’s dad’s
elder sister’s name
is Nano. It is
night now so
we will go to sleep.
Day 6:
We have now
woken up. Well my
dad told me
to take a
shower again. So I
did take a
shower. Now I feel
great and active. It
is time for
breakfast. I had omelets
for breakfast. We will
be roaming around
in Jaddah. So we
went to the
mall of the
red sea. My dad
got us ice
cream and chocolate
coins. After the mall
we went to
cornich and city
center (old Jaddah) and
had Al Baik
for lunch. Then we
went home and
took rest till
afternoon. My mom and
dad went to
sleep. My big brother
Sajeel put on
Puss in boots
and Toy story 1. We
went out but
then we got
a call that
we have to
meet one of
my mom’s cousins .
They have a
son his name
is Zubair and
he is 12 years
old that means
he is two
years older than
me. Now they have
gone. It is night now
so that means
we have to
change our clothes
and go to
Day 7:
I woke
up as usual, but this time my
dad woke me. We
went and changed
our clothes and
went for breakfast. You see
today we are
leaving to Madinah
so we are
packing up everything. Then we
are going to
put our things
in the car. Now
we are ready
to leave. First
we are going to
get some water bottles. We saw
ghazwa Badr (the
first battle between
Muslims and The
Quraish that are non-Muslims ).
We first
had lunch then
we saw this.
Now we have
reached the hotel. The
hotel’s name is “ Anwar-
ul – Madinah Movenpick”. We went
to the Masjid
of Nabwi 2
times. Now my mom
and dad have
just gone
again. My big
brother put on
Toy Story 1.
The movie has
now finished. My mom and
dad are now
back. It is
now night so
we are all
going to sleep.
Day 8:
woke up at 7:
30 in
the morning. So now
we are getting
ready for breakfast. My
little brother Hassan
started annoying me
so my dad
said to ignore
him. My dad is
going to shave
now after he
finishes then we will
go for breakfast. Time for
breakfast ! After breakfast
we went to
see 2 waterfalls, masjid ul
Quba where we
have to perform
2 nafals
which is equivalent
to 1 Umra, Uhud
battlefield and Uhud
mountain ( Where Prophet
Mohammad P.B.U.H was
taken to a cave
he was injured
during the battle
a stone had
hit his teeth and Hazrat Ali
companied him.) There
is still a
really strong smell
in the cave.
Now we are
going to say
Salah. This stuff was
taken place in
Quiblateen. After we went
to get Khagoor.
For lunch we had Al
Baik again. My big
brother put on
Princess and the
frog and the
Diary of a wimpy kid. Then
we went to do Salah. Now
I have to
take a bath. We
went to have dinner.
Now we are
back at the hotel. It
is night now
so we will
go to sleep.
Day 9:
We woke
up as usual
and changed our
clothes. After we changed
our clothes we
went down for
breakfast. We finished breakfast
and went to
say Salah. Once
we got back
my big brother Sajeel
put on Toy
Story 1 and 2.
After that we
went to my
mom’s cousin’s house. Then
we ate food
and went for
Salah again. Now
we are back
in the hotel. We
will now take
rest then go
for Salah again. We
are back now. Then
we took rest
then went for
Salah again ! I
was asking for
cream crackers so my dad
got me some.
Then we went
back to our
room. It was
night so we
went to sleep.
Day 10 :
We woke
up early in
the morning changed
our clothes , brushed our
teeth and went
for breakfast. We have
now finished breakfast. All of us went
upstairs to pack. My
big brother called
the bell boy
to come and
take our stuff. Now
we are back
in the car. We
are heading to
the mountains. On the
way we saw
camels. Now we have
reached the mountains. Here the
mountain are magnetic. So
we are first
going to the
gravity point. We have
reached the gravity
point the car
started moving by
itself. After that I
went to sleep . Once
I woke my
dad got us
sweets from a
gas station. Then I
went to sleep
again. When I
woke we saw 2 twisters. Now
it will take
less than 2
hours to reach. Now
we have reached. We
will be staying
at my mom’ s
cousin’s place. So
we took out
our stuff and
went to our
room changed our
clothes and went
to sleep.
Day 11:
woke up in
the morning and
took a bath
and went down
for breakfast. Time for
breakfast. Now breakfast is
over. The food was
delicious. After food we
went roaming around
in Riyadh. We went
to a museum
but now we
are back now. So
now we are
going to rest.
When we woke
some of my mom’s
other cousins came. Their
son’s name was
Sameer. Now we have
had lunch. We will
now take a
break. I forgot to
mention that
they had a
talking parrot. We are
now back in
the car. I will
go to sleep now. When
I woke up
we reached the
place we were
going to stay
at. We stayed my
mom’s other cousin’s
place. They had a
daughter my age.
So we played
and then went
to sleep.
Day 12:
woke up at 9 :
35 in
the morning. Today is
the first roza.
I wanted to keep
my first roza
but my mom
said when we get home
I should keep
it. My dad said
to go change
my clothes and
brush my teeth . Then
I went down
for breakfast. Now I
had my breakfast
the food was
great. We played a
lot. After this
we took some
rest. Then we
played musical chairs. After
this we did
Aftar. I forgot to
mention that were
we did Aftar was at
the place we
were going to
stay . So the place
we were in
the morning we
went to get
our things from
there. We got our
stuff from there
now so we
changed our clothes
and went to
sleep. I forgot to mention
that they also
had a daughter
my age we
played a lot.
Day 13:
woke up early
in the morning
and left at 11
o’clock. We will be
heading to Sharjah. You
see today we are going
back home today
because 13 days
are over. Time for
rest. It is so
tiring for my
dad because they
were driving the
whole time. On the
way you can
only see loads
of deserts. Well time
for rest. We have
now crossed the
border for Dubai. Now
we are in
U.A.E. It took 4
hours to get
home. We have now
reached home. We changed
our bed sheets
and changed our
clothes and went to
sleep. This was the best experience
in my life
and I will
never forget it.
The End!
Great Job, still remeber when you were writing that blog, lots of hard work in to it :D